Saturday, June 29, 2019

Les Jardin de Métis in late June

What a morning! Les Garden de Metis was spectacular! It's very horticultural, with an emphasis on showy plants, but it includes many interesting species from the Appalachian mountains, including some 'old friends" from the Southern Appalachians. Many of the plants showcased are alongside a forest, or stream and there is a nice viewing area of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Kudos to the garden staff! They're doing a great job. You'll want to stop here if you're heading up the Gaspe Peninsula. It's located about 4 hours east of Quebec City, off of Hwy. 132.

Leaving home for Métis Gardens.
The lilac behind Lisa is in full bloom and very pungent.

The Garden is also known a Reford Gardens, named after the family that established it.

A robust patch of ostrich fern growing along a stream

Sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis)

Lady fern (Athyrium fillip-femina)

Various planting adjacent to a natural stream

The multi-colored azaleas were stunning!

Here's an azalea with apricot-colored flowers.

Don't remember what this was but the pink flowers are striking!
Now I know...this is called Pink (genus Dianthus)

Globe flower (Trollius)

This portion of the Garden is called the "long walk" 

The Garden has a wonderful collection of peonies.
We saw bees visiting the flowers for pollen

A Garden favorite: the Himalayan Blue Poppy
(Meconopsis betonicifolia)

This multi-colored lupine is show-cased in several large patches in the Garden.
It's also a popular home garden plant in the region.

I like to kid that the plants in our home garden "are on wheels"
because they sometimes get moved around but here we can see plants that are literally on wheels.

An attractive planter near the Garden entrance.

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